The first trimester is already over with our rainbow baby! Time really does go much faster when you’re chasing a toddler around.

I have to give credit to Mitch. We really do think this baby is a girl, because it’s sucking the energy right out of me. I’m exhausted. Some mornings, I’ll get Max out of bed, bring him downstairs, get breakfast for him and pass out again on the couch. (Don’t worry, Mitch is with him.) Mitch has really stepped up and has basically taken over everything. Grocery shopping, cooking, cleaning, vacuuming, laundry… you name a household chore, he’s doing it. Plus taking care of his own business, managing all our household finances and being the best daddy ever. All my energy goes to Max and getting my work done so I don’t fall behind and by the time that’s done, I can barely keep my eyes open. It’s crazy the amount of energy it takes to create a tiny human.

As far as sickness goes, I definitely have waves of nausea, but I haven’t gotten sick yet. I’m counting my blessings because I definitely was with Max.

12 weeks.

Excuse the exhausted face. This is real life.

Our gender reveal appointment is July 24th. I reeeeeally wanted to find out at 9 weeks with a blood test, but Mitch wanted to wait. And marriage is about compromise. (Plus, the man feeds me all day.) With Max, it was printed on the ultrasound and we opened it together when we got home. That’s what we’re going to do with this one as well. I’m sure there will be a video put together to announce!

The First Trimester | Rainbow Baby